Monday, June 09, 2008

Enthusiastic welcome from those in the know

The select group of companies with a keen interest in using military spectrum have welcomed the UK Ministry of Defence's liberalisation initiative. However, for most firms their main focus of interest is elsewhere.

The Ministry of Defence plan, launched on 30 May, envisions that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) will first apply for recognised spectrum access (RSA) in the 406.1 - 430MHz and possibly the 3400 - 3600MHz band from UK spectrum regulator Ofcom as a precursor to early consideration of options for release and sharing. The MoD expects to complete its audit of the 23 bands identified by the Cave audit for potential sharing by March 2009, and is considering a review of its remaining 186 bands (<i>PolicyTracker</i> 2.6.08 <A href="javascript:showStory(548,1)" class='newslink'>UK military proposes 'leading edge' spectrum release plan</a>).

Read the full details at:

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