Friday, November 27, 2009

German 2.6Ghz case expected to go to European Court of Justice

An intervention from the European Commission makes it increasingly likely that the four year old dispute over technology neutrality in 2.6GHz will go all the way to the EU’s highest court. Legal action has also been threatened over Germany's auction of digital dividend spectrum. 

Read the full article here:

Why did the Finnish 2.6GHz auction raise so little?

A lack of competition and an unusual design feature seem the main reasons for the low revenues in Finland’s first auction. 

Read the full article here:

Current consultations:

Radio Spectrum Policy Group report on "cognitive technologies" (Nov 13, 2009- Dec 28, 2009) Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) , EU

Digital Dividend: Geolocation for Cognitive Access (Nov 17, 2009- Feb 09, 2010) Ofcom , UK

Consultation on a Direction to Ofcom to implement the Wireless Radio Spectrum Modernisation Programme (Oct 16, 2009- Jan 08, 2010) Department for Business, Innovation and Skills , UK

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

“Telecoms package” passes into law

News Brief:

“Telecoms package” passes into law
The review of the Telecoms Framework Directive has finally been agreed after two years of discussion between the Commission, member states and MEPs. 
It was a compromise on measures against illegal downloaders that finally brought enough MEPs together to see the long-standing review process brought to a close. The vote was taken yesterday (24 November) and today (25 November) the President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, will sign the official document.
The Review will enter the statute books when it appears in the official journal of the EU next month, and member states will then have until May 2011 to transpose this into  national law.
As explained in the earlier article the provisions about spectrum policy have not changed in recent months and the main impact of the framework review is to give MEPs greater power in setting the overall policy framework.•
Article ends/

Finland’s first spectrum auction raises just €3.8 million

Four 2.6Ghz licences in Finland have been sold for a fraction of the amount raised in similar auctions in neighbouring countries. 

Read the full article here:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Regulatory boss who drove liberalisation in Bahrain moves on

Alan Horne leaves the Bahrain Telecoms Regulatory Authority at the end of November after three years at the helm overseeing its transformation into one of the most liberalised and forward looking regulators in the region.

Read the full article here:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cognitive radio: geolocation approach gets boost in Europe

Geolocation is emerging as a promising way of preventing cognitive devices causing harmful interference in UHF spectrum white spaces, the EU Radio Spectrum Policy Group and UK regulator say. But the mechanisms by which the databases will work - and the market for white-space applications - remain unclear. 

Read the full article here:

See also the current consultations about cognitive radio:

RSPG: Radio Spectrum Policy Group report on "cognitive technologies" 

Ofcom:  Digital Dividend: Geolocation for Cognitive Access 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Egypt’s Orascom fights for right to use Canadian spectrum

Orascom is seeking to overturn a ruling which prevents it using spectrum won in the recent AWS auction. The company was judged to have fallen foul of Canada's foreign ownership rules. 

Read the full article here:

Egypt’s Orascom fights for right to use Canadian spectrum

Orascom is seeking to overturn a ruling which prevents it using spectrum won in the recent AWS auction. The company was judged to have fallen foul of Canada's foreign ownership rules. 

Read the full article here:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

World’s first white spaces network launches in US

Telecoms regulators from the US, the UK, Brazil and Canada have expressed interest in the technology behind the world’s first white spaces network which has been launched on a non-commercial basis in a small American town. 

Read the full article here:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Middle East envoy Tony Blair hails launch of Palestinian mobile operator

Despite still not having received all the spectrum it had been promised by Israel, Wataniya Mobile has gone ahead with the commercial launch of Palestine's second mobile network. 

Read the full article here:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Spectrum trading proposals a "tentative step in the right direction"

UK telecoms regulator Ofcom has launched two consultations aimed at making it easier for spectrum to be traded. Stakeholders welcome them as a move in the right direction, but say a lot more needs to be done. 

Read the full article here:

Friday, November 06, 2009

Compromise clears the way for adoption of the ‘telecoms package’

An agreement has been reached to end the dispute over internet piracy, which had prevented the adoption of the telecoms framework review. This package is now expected to be approved at the end of the month and will mean greater political control over spectrum policy. 

Read the full article here:

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Russia changing policy on digital dividend?

Reports suggest Russia may implement the proposed European mobile sub-band and bring forward the date for digital switchover

Read the full article here:

Digital dividend: now the next phase…

The long-awaited EC recommendation on harmonisation of the digital dividend is, of necessity, a political compromise. It holds no surprises and puts the onus back on the member states 

Read the full article here:

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Middle East operators hold an advantage for LTE rollout

Tier one mobile operators in the Middle East and Africa have significant advantages over their counterparts in Europe and North America when it comes to rolling out next-generation LTE networks, according to a leading network planning and optimisation consultancy. 

Read the full article here:

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Mobile satellite driving new demands for spectrum at WRC-2012

Inmarsat and other mobile satellite interests are pressing for more spectrum to meet rising demand for ubiquitous broadband and other areas including disaster relief and logistical services. 

Read the full article here: