Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Unbowed Mexican regulator allows auction results to stand

Following a period of uncertainty after Mexico's recent PCS and AWS spectrum auction, regulator Cofetel has confirmed the results despite vigorous opposition from incumbents and various politicians seeking to have the auction overturned. 

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Friday, August 27, 2010

French UMTS 1800 pilot has implications for UK operators

A UMTS trial scheduled to be conducted in the 1800 MHz band in France this November will be watched with interest both by operators and regulators, particularly in countries such as the UK, where operators are licensed at either 900 or 1800 MHz.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Operators have high hopes for new mobile TV standard

Advances in technology have made the European Commission back away from its previous full-on support for the DVB-H mobile TV standard - to the extent it is now "highly interested" in the results a trial of new solution, IMB. 

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Brazil plans LTE rollout in time for 2014 World Cup

Brazil has become the first major country in the Americas to break step with the US bandplan at 2.6 GHz. In line with Europe and much of the rest of the world, it has chosen ITU Option 1 instead.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

PMSE industry protests over compensation package

Lobbyists from the programme making and special events (PMSE) sector are accusing the UK government of exploiting technicalities to avoid paying compensation to companies being evicted from the channels they use.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Ofcom tests Olympic spectrum requirements

Field tests at several sporting events show plans to manage spectrum needs during the 2012 London Olympics are on track, the UK regulator says. Part of the spectrum will come from the 2.6 GHz band, which is due to be auctioned by the end of 2011. 

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Friday, August 20, 2010

More spectrum not necessarily the answer for mobile operators

Mobile operators should be changing their business models and making use of new technologies to get the most out of their spectrum holdings, rather than pressing for the release of more spectrum, argue a telecoms consultant and an advocate of femtocells.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Operators watch and wait as Ofcom juggles hot potato

The UK coalition government's first attempt to address the thorny issue of spectrum reform appears to have gone down better with stakeholders than the previous government's proposals, although there are still a lot of unanswered questions.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Portugal and Italy move towards switch-off

Portuguese regulator Anacom has approved the government's proposed schedule for analogue switch-off (ASO) in the country. In Italy, the president of the regulator thinks ASO could be achieved by next year. 

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Battle to provide communications network for UK smart grid

Which spectrum bands and technologies are to be used to provide communications for the UK's proposed smart grid are yet to be decided, but energy regulator Ofgem has released a detailed prospectus and consultation designed to provide some answers. 

Our special report on M2M communications concludes with a case study of policy development in the UK:

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Monday, August 09, 2010

Does M2M need its own spectrum?

In the second part of our special report on machine to machine (M2M) communications we examine whether the sector can continue to thrive in the unlicensed bands and a mish-mash of other allocations or whether it needs its own dedicated spectrum. 

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Friday, August 06, 2010

Smart metering and smart grids dominate M2M space

In the first of a three part special report on machine to machine (M2M) communications we examine how the agenda is being driven by environmental and energy conservation issues. 

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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Auction leaves Mexican 3G incumbent with new challengers

Mexico now has three nationally-licensed 3G operators following an auction of excess 2.1 GHz spectrum, breaking the monopoly of the country's dominant MNO, Telcel. 

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Monday, August 02, 2010

August 2010 PDF edition available for download

Our top story this month is the progress made in resolving the hotly disputed issue of refarming the UK's GSM spectrum. The new government has put forward legislation to allow the reuse of the bands but this is a watered-down version of the previous administration's proposals which attracted much opposition. 

The full contents list for the August issue of PolicyTracker is below and it is available for download here:



Danes set about liberalising spectrum market

UK leads in white space device development

Spectrum Broker turns to next generation TV

Malta reveals plans for 900 MHz and 1800 MHz
Jordan mobile operators snub 2.6 GHz licence 

South Africa delays 2.6 and 3.5 GHz assignments

Is the era of exclusive spectrum rights over?

US proposals offer more spectrum for public safety  

Canada: Use spectrum auction profits to fund rural broadband 

Thailand on track for 3G auction by September  

New Zealand releases 806-960 MHz spectrum 

Regulators struggle with cognitive and software defined radio concepts

Mobile industry to press spectrum needs in WRC-16 preparations  

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